Meteorology Internship

Meteorology Internship Starts Jan. 2022

A proposal I submitted to the  Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) to pay for a meteorology internship position was funded!  The proposal was written in partnership between the myself, Xiao-Ming Hu at OU’s Center for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS), and Flogistix LLC.  Our project is related to the XGEM initiative which I am a co-PI on.  OCAST will fund a meteorology internship at Flogistix to study atmospheric modeling.  The student, mentored by Dr. Hu and I, will lead the way on a specific atmospheric model development key to the petroleum industry.

Meteorology Internship Ad

This is a very exciting opportunity, and I am glad that I was able to lead the development of the project.  The exciting new projects that agile, young companies like Flogistix are able to pursue reduce the brain drain from our state.  But, the OCAST Intern Partnership funding mechanism was designed for just such an situation.  It is no secret that OU likely has the best meteorology program in the world.  So the excellent graduates produced by this program need opportunities to stay and make a home in our state.

What We Are Looking For

The internship is open to all OU Meteorology undergraduates.  Since this particular meteorology internship focuses on boundary layer models, we prefer applicants pass METR 4433.  Similarly, this will be a Python heavy project, so show those programming skills!  The internship pays well…really really well.  Since Flogistix is a petroleum engineering firm, they are willing to pay what a petroleum engineer might expect for an internship.  What a culture shock.

You can read the full job posting here.  Contact me if you would like to know more!